
early morning rain
briny winds sweep ocean swells
leave the key behind

missing nothing, the
keen eyed entry stands—
nothing missing

snow alters the familiar
stinging chilled cheeks
unkept promises

gently spring arrives
children leave their coats at home
laughing in the sun

the druid tree
writes poems in the sky
waiting for spring

crisp light breaks
frozen shadows

cold claims us again
that fickle season
yesterday was spring

scattered slippers—
a sign that
foreigners were here

leaving day behind
a solitary traveler
reminds me of home

tomorrow I’ll say
that I should have left today
Autumn leaves

seeking fragrance
pole deeper into the petals
morning light

stopped by the stream
paws pause to consider

late afternoon light
even the ordinary
becomes beautiful

unhurried, dusk dims
the last of island light
rising tide